
Worship of Nature

Worldly people have worshiped Nature, don't bother. Nature worships the creator. God is Nature's creator, and she is devoted to God. Don't worship Nature, o man, for she hates you. You have raped her on the land, sea, and in the air. She does not want to give you oxygen to breathe after you kill so many of her trees. She does not wish to provide you food or water after you have polluted her earth and sea. 

Nature is waiting for the time she can deny you oxygen, strangling the life out of you. She looks forward to the time when she can deny you food, starving millions to death, or water, causing millions to die in drought. Worshiping Nature is not to your benefit; you o man, should worship the creator God. He has the grace to spare you, to save you from destruction. He will have mercy on you. 

In addition, If you believe that God is wrong about a few things, or that you are in the know above God about a few things, or you think God needs to be more up-to-date on a few things, please reconsider.

 God is never wrong, and you can not update Him about anything.


In a Sunday school class, one of the students asked about hell. The teacher seemed to falter, and one of the adult helpers in the class said something to the effect that it was a place of punishment for those who had rejected God. The following week the helper that had answered was asked not to help in Sunday school any longer and was removed from any contact with the young people because he might have scared them.

The worldly church is taking the word of God and blending it with a worldly attitude of caution at the detriment of impact. God has purposefully placed the descriptions of hell in His word, where the adult helper was taking his answer. The church leaders are taking God’s word and making it lukewarm (neither hot nor cold) to avoid offending anyone. I tell you the truth: those church leaders will be spit out. Revelation 3:16

Why doesn't God do something?

God is intervening every day, and we don't see it.

 People who ask God to eliminate evil in the world don't realize the fix God has in mind. When He fixes the world, it will be final and for all time. At His chosen time, His wrath will fall on the planet, wipe it clean of all sin, and eliminate all evil people in a massive blood bath. Don't think that anyone will survive. People who say God should deal with the evil in the world do not understand what they are asking for. They are asking for their death along with every person on the earth.

 Book of Revelation, book of Daniel, book of Ezekiel.

What if the skeptic is right?


There is no God - and I (as a believer in Almighty God) have been wrong. I have spent my life in false hope. There is no heaven. There is only nothingness - for you and me.



What if I am right?


There is a God - and you (if an unbeliever) have wronged Him. You have earned His wrath by rejecting Him.


There is a heaven that you will miss out on, and I have earned a wonderful place that can not be described; it is so fantastic.


There is a hell that you will experience, and I avoid. It is a horrible place that can not be described; it is full of pain and desolation.


The unbeliever has so much to lose, so why not try a simple belief in a God that loves you?

"10-second pill"

First, this is only an illustration so please don't offer to buy the pill. It does not exist.


 What if I could offer you this 10-second pill? The downside is that after taking it within an hour you will experience 10 seconds of intense pain, which will not harm your body. The upside is that you will suffer very little pain for the rest of your life, with no sickness or cancer. You will have perfect health until you die of natural causes in your early nineties.


Most people will consider this a miracle and gladly suffer the 10 seconds for a lifetime of health and freedom from pain.


Consider our lifetime in the context of eternity. The ninety or so years we live compared to eternity is less than 10 seconds, respectively.


Be sure of your life in eternity.


When is the end?


A simple meeting of the owners of a business is called. The CEO knows the number that will attend, and when they are all there, the meeting begins. As simple as that is for us, it is just as easy for God. Consider the illustration of the sheep in the pen. The shepherd knows the sheep, and when the last one enters, the gate is closed.

He (the Holy Spirit) will never rest till the number in the heavenly fold shall tally with the number in the book.

Charles H. Spurgeon. Holy Spirit Power (p. 107). Kindle Edition.

There is a Book Of Life, and the final number is known. The number in the Book of Life is a set number, and the number of saved souls rises. When each is equal, none are left to be saved. It is the end.